Email in PHP with Multiple Attachments

Send Email in PHP with Multiple attachments. A Simple PHP Email program to send HTML emails with attachments.

This class sends email and allows for multiple attachments and text or HTML emails.

Simple to use and handles all errors and header complications from the user. Attach files using $email->Attach(“filepath”, “mimetype”);

To send HTML emails set $email->TextOnly to false and set $email->Content to the appropriate HTML to send. See index.php file in the included zip folder for example usage.

NOTE**** if using Qmail as the outgoing mail server change the line define(“EmailNewLine”, “\r\n”); to be define(“EmailNewLine”, “\n”); This has to do with Qmail replacing all ‘\n’ with ‘\r\n’ without realizing there is already a leading \r.

//** load email class definition.


//** establish to,from, and any other recipients.

$Sender = “”;
$Recipiant = “”;
$Cc = “”;
$Bcc = “”;

//** create the text and HTML versions of the body content here.

$textVersion = “Hello World!”;
$htmlVersion = “<font face=’verdana’ color=’blue’><b>Hello World</b></font>”;


//** !!!! SEND A PLAIN TEXT EMAIL !!!!
//** create the new message using the to, from, and email subject.

$msg = new Email($Recipiant, $Sender, “A Test Plain Text Email!”);
$msg->Cc = $Cc;
$msg->Bcc = $Bcc;

//** set the message to be text only and set the email content.

$msg->TextOnly = true;
$msg->Content = $textVersion;

//** send the email message.

$SendSuccess = $msg->Send();

echo “Plain text email was “,
($SendSuccess ? “sent” : “not sent”), “<br>”;


//** create the new message using the to, from, and email subject.

$msg = new Email($Recipiant, $Sender, “A Test HTML Email!”);
$msg->Cc = $Cc;
$msg->Bcc = $Bcc;

//** set the message to be text only and set the email content.

$msg->TextOnly = false;
$msg->Content = $htmlVersion;

//** attach this scipt itself to the message.

$msg->Attach(__FILE__, “text/plain”);

//** send the email message.

$SendSuccess = $msg->Send();

echo “HTML email w/attachment was “,
($SendSuccess ? “sent” : “not sent”), “<br>”;


//** create the new message using the to, from, and email subject.

$msg = new Email($Recipiant, $Sender, “A Test Multipart Alternative Email!”);
$msg->Cc = $Cc;
$msg->Bcc = $Bcc;

/* set the message to be a multipart/alternative email. This allows for
multiple versions of same content.
NOTE: you cannot send attachments when a message is set to be
multipart/alternative. there is also no way to switch
back to normal multipart/mixed after this call.

$msg->SetMultipartAlternative($textVersion, $htmlVersion);

//** send the email message.

$SendSuccess = $msg->Send();

echo “Multipart/alternative email was “,
($SendSuccess ? “sent” : “not sent”), “<br>”;



if(isset($GLOBALS[“emailmsgclass_php”])) { return; } //** only include once.
$GLOBALS[“emailmsgclass_php”] = 1; //** file was included.

//** the newline character(s) to be used when generating an email message.

define(“EmailNewLine”, “\r\n”);

//** the unique X-Mailer identifier for emails sent with this tool.

define(“EmailXMailer”, “PHP-EMAIL,v1.1 (William Fowler)”);

//** the default charset values for both text and HTML emails.

define(“DefaultCharset”, “iso-8859-1”);

The Email class wrappers PHP’s mail function into a class capable of
sending attachments and HTML email messages. Custom headers can also be
included as if using the mail function.

class Email
//** (String) the recipient email address, or comma separated addresses.

var $To = null;

//** (String) the recipient addresses to receive a copy. Can be a comma
//** separated addresses.

var $Cc = null;

//** (String) the recipient addresses to receive a hidden copy. Can be a
//** comma separated addresses.

var $Bcc = null;

//** (String) the email address of the message sender.

var $From = null;

//** (String) the subject of the email message.

var $Subject = null;

/* (String) body content for the message. Must be plain text or HTML based
on the ‘TextOnly’ field. This field is ignored if
SetMultipartAlternative() is called with valid content.

var $Content = null;

//** an array of Email Attachment instances to be sent with this message.

var $Attachments;

//** any custom header information that must be used when sending email.

var $Headers = null;

//** whether email to be sent is a text email or a HTML email.

var $TextOnly = true;

//** the charset of the email to be sent (initially none, let type decide).

var $Charset = null;

//** Create a new email message with the parameters provided.

function Email($to=null, $from=null, $subject=null, $headers=null)
$this->To = $to;
$this->From = $from;
$this->Subject = $subject;
$this->Headers = $headers;

//** create an empty array for attachments. NULL out attachments used for
//** multipart/alternative messages initially.

$this->Attachments = Array();
$this->Attachments[“text”] = null;
$this->Attachments[“html”] = null;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Set this email message to contain both text and HTML content.
//** If successful all attachments and content are ignored.

function SetMultipartAlternative($text=null, $html=null)
//** non-empty content for the text and HTML version is required.

if(strlen(trim(strval($html))) == 0 || strlen(trim(strval($text))) == 0)
return false;
//** create the text email attachment based on the text given and the standard
//** plain text MIME type.

$this->Attachments[“text”] = new EmailAttachment(null, “text/plain”);
$this->Attachments[“text”]->LiteralContent = strval($text);

//** create the html email attachment based on the HTML given and the standard
//** html text MIME type.

$this->Attachments[“html”] = new EmailAttachment(null, “text/html”);
$this->Attachments[“html”]->LiteralContent = strval($html);

return true; //** operation was successful.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Create a new file attachment for the file (and optionally MIME type)
//** given. If the file cannot be located no attachment is created and
//** FALSE is returned.

function Attach($pathtofile, $mimetype=null)
//** create the appropriate email attachment. If the attachment does not
//** exist the attachment is not created and FALSE is returned.

$attachment = new EmailAttachment($pathtofile, $mimetype);
return false;
$this->Attachments[] = $attachment; //** add the attachment to list.
return true; //** attachment successfully added.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the email message is ready to be sent. A TO and
//** FROM address are required.

function IsComplete()
return (strlen(trim($this->To)) > 0 && strlen(trim($this->From)) > 0);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to send the email message. Attach all files that are currently
//** valid. Send the appropriate text/html message. If not complete FALSE is
//** returned and no message is sent.

function Send()
if(!$this->IsComplete()) //** message is not ready to send.
return false; //** no message will be sent.

//** generate a unique boundry identifier to separate attachments.

$theboundary = “—–” . md5(uniqid(“EMAIL”));

//** the from email address and the current date of sending.

$headers = “Date: ” . date(“r”, time()) . EmailNewLine .
“From: $this->From” . EmailNewLine;

//** if a non-empty CC field is provided add it to the headers here.

if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Cc))) > 0)
$headers .= “CC: $this->Cc” . EmailNewLine;

//** if a non-empty BCC field is provided add it to the headers here.

if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Bcc))) > 0)
$headers .= “BCC: $this->Bcc” . EmailNewLine;

//** add the custom headers here, before important headers so that none are
//** overwritten by custom values.

if($this->Headers != null && strlen(trim($this->Headers)) > 0)
$headers .= $this->Headers . EmailNewLine;

//** determine whether or not this email is mixed HTML and text or both.

$isMultipartAlternative = ($this->Attachments[“text”] != null &&
$this->Attachments[“html”] != null);

//** determine the correct MIME type for this message.

$baseContentType = “multipart/” . ($isMultipartAlternative ?
“alternative” : “mixed”);

//** add the custom headers, the MIME encoding version and MIME typr for the
//** email message, the boundry for attachments, the error message if MIME is
//** not suppported.

$headers .= “X-Mailer: ” . EmailXMailer . EmailNewLine .
“MIME-Version: 1.0” . EmailNewLine .
“Content-Type: $baseContentType; ” .
“boundary=\”$theboundary\”” . EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;

//** if a multipart message add the text and html versions of the content.

//** add the text and html versions of the email content.

$thebody = “–$theboundary” . EmailNewLine .
$this->Attachments[“text”]->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine .
“–$theboundary” . EmailNewLine .
$this->Attachments[“html”]->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine;
//** if either only html or text email add the content to the email body.

//** determine the proper encoding type and charset for the message body.

$theemailtype = “text/” . ($this->TextOnly ? “plain” : “html”);
if($this->Charset == null)
$this->Charset = DefaultCharset;

//** add the encoding header information for the body to the content.

$thebody = “–$theboundary” . EmailNewLine .
“Content-Type: $theemailtype; charset=$this->Charset” .
EmailNewLine . “Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit” .
EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine . $this->Content .
EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;

//** loop over the attachments for this email message and attach the files
//** to the email message body. Only if not multipart alternative.

foreach($this->Attachments as $attachment)
//** check for NULL attachments used by multipart alternative emails. Do not
//** attach these.

if($attachment != null)
$thebody .= “–$theboundary” . EmailNewLine .
$attachment->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine;
//** end boundry marker is required.

$thebody .= “–$theboundary–“;

//** attempt to send the email message. Return the operation success.

return mail($this->To, $this->Subject, $thebody, $headers);

//** The EmailAttachment class links a file in the file system to the
//** appropriate header to be included in an email message. if the file does
//** not exist the attachment will not be sent in any email messages. It can
//** also be used to generate an attachment from literal content provided.

class EmailAttachment
//** (String) the full path to the file to be attached.

var $FilePath = null;

//** (String) the MIME type for the file data of this attachment.

var $ContentType = null;

//** binary content to be used instead the contents of a file.

var $LiteralContent = null;

//** Creates a new email attachment ffrom the file path given. If no content
//** type is given the default ‘application/octet-stream’ is used.

function EmailAttachment($pathtofile=null, $mimetype=null)
//** if no MIME type is provided use the default value specifying binary data.
//** Otherwise use the MIME type provided.

if($mimetype == null || strlen(trim($mimetype)) == 0)
$this->ContentType = “application/octet-stream”;
$this->ContentType = $mimetype;

$this->FilePath = $pathtofile; //** save the path to the file attachment.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether literal content is provided and should be used as the
//** attachment rather than a file.

function HasLiteralContent()
return (strlen(strval($this->LiteralContent)) > 0);
//** Returns: String
//** Get the binary string data to be used as this attachment. If literal
//** content is provided is is used, otherwise the contents of the file path
//** for this attachment is used. If no content is available NULL is returned.

function GetContent()
//** non-empty literal content is available. Use that as the attachment.
//** Assume the user has used correct MIME type.

return $this->LiteralContent;

//** no literal content available. Try to get file data.

if(!$this->Exists()) //** file does not exist.
return null; //** no content is available.
//** open the file attachment in binary mode and read the contents.

$thefile = fopen($this->FilePath, “rb”);
$data = fread($thefile, filesize($this->FilePath));
return $data;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the email attachment has a valid, existing file
//** associated with it.

function Exists()
if($this->FilePath == null || strlen(trim($this->FilePath)) == 0)
return false;
return file_exists($this->FilePath);
//** Returns: String
//** Generate the appropriate header string for this email attachment. If the
//** the attachment content does not exist NULL is returned.

function ToHeader()
$attachmentData = $this->GetContent(); //** get content for the header.
if($attachmentData == null) //** no valid attachment content.
return null; //** no header can be generted.

//** add the content type and file name of the attachment.

$header = “Content-Type: $this->ContentType;”;

//** if an attachment then add the appropriate disposition and file name(s).

$header .= ” name=\”” . basename($this->FilePath) . “\”” . EmailNewLine .
“Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\”” .
basename($this->FilePath) . “\””;
$header .= EmailNewLine;

//** add the key for the content encoding of the attachment body to follow.

$header .= “Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64” . EmailNewLine .

//** add the attachment data to the header. encode the binary data in BASE64
//** and break the encoded data into the appropriate chunks.

$header .= chunk_split(base64_encode($attachmentData), 76, EmailNewLine) .

return $header; //** return the headers generated by file.

Happy Emailing 🙂

Tags: email, php email, php email attachment, email php, email php attachment, php email multiple attachment, php email class, email send php, attach file email php, email attachments, email form, php email script, simple php email form, sending email php, sending email attachment, php email function, sending html email. sending attachment php, simple php email form, simple php email.

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